Headshot of me

Noah Z. Rubin

About Me

I'm a software engineer living in Mountain View, CA and working for Google. I speak Spanish conversationally, I enjoy cycling, running, and strength training, and I also play the drums and guitar for fun.

Work Experience

I've been working as a software engineer for Google since February 2021. I'm currently designing and implementing a system that receives, processes, and makes available emails sent between Google Ads sellers and their customers. Most of my work is server-side Java, but I work at all levels of the stack, including the database, transport layer, and a bit of front-end.

Previously, I worked as a full-stack engineer for an internal web-based platform (Java and AngularDart), and before that, I worked on an internal mobile app (Flutter).

Selected Personal Projects


I graduated magna cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University and Schreyer Honors College in December 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Honors and a minor in Mathematics.

As part of the requirements to graduate with honors, I wrote an honors thesis. I did research in the PSU NLP Lab to improve an algorithm developed at the lab that automatically graded student-written summaries.